when life gives you oranges: make Cake-in-an-Orange!

This week John and I went camping. I had a great menu planned, but because we fought (and lost) against the pesky buzzing hypodermic needles, our desserts remained uncooked. One of the desserts I wanted, I yearned, to cook was cake-in-an-orange. This delicacy hearkens back to my scouting days of yore, and it is one of the legendary feats of campfire culinary prowess that girls from my troop will still talk about.

Anyway, we didn’t make them. There.

When I got home, however, I still had the oranges, I still had the cake, I still had the yearning. So I made Cake-In-An-Orange!

It is really quite simple.

cleaned and waiting for batter

Take your oranges, cut off the tops. I cut around the inside of the oranges, too, so that spooning out the fruit was easier. A grapefruit spoon wouldn’t have hurt.

Ream out the fruit (and save it).

Joe helped me clean out the oranges
filled and ready to go

Use some of the juice of the oranges to make your cake batter. I used an instant muffin mix, because I knew I wouldn’t need so much batter. I replaced the water with the fresh squeezed orange juice.

Since I was without hot coals, I did not wrap my oranges in aluminum foil, instead I cut off a tiny bit of the heel, so they would sit with a solid base in my cast-iron skillet. (If you are at a campfire, it is crucial that you wrap them in foil. Otherwise they will taste like ash and spill. It doesn’t really work that way… though it was a good night anyway.)

ready for the oven


Top your oranges, (wrap them with foil), and toss them in an oven (campfire)!

mmm, tasty batter peeking out

I cooked them for a while. And I could have probably done them at a higher heat. But they still worked quite well.

spooky cauldrons

MMM. Now for some ghost stories…

162 thoughts on “when life gives you oranges: make Cake-in-an-Orange!”

  1. this is such an adorable idea! the only thing I remember making was dump cake… which is also amazing if you haven’t tried it.

    I bet stuffed peppers over the campfire would be lovely too. I’m definitely putting both on my list.



  2. Your intro line to your blog is lovely: ‘Reflections on listening to the still, small voice of the Orchestrator’. Beautiful!

    My husband and sons are avid campers. I, however, am not. I used to think of camping fare as hot dogs cooked over a fire (which incidentally I do like) and smores. Not so anymore! My husband has enough camping gadgets to make a gourmet meal in the woods (and has)! I laughingly tell him he’s not roughing it, but I guess it’s not about the food. Immersing yourself in nature is a great way to connect with the Orchestrator.

    I connect with Him in my living room in quiet meditation, and leave the unpleasant aspects of camping for others 🙂

    Thanks for the idea. I’ll share it with my husband.



    1. thank you for coming by, my favorite kind of cooking outdoors is the gourmet style. meditations are good, where ever they take place.


  3. What a fun, creative idea! Thanks for sharing! I love to camp to old fashion way. Tent, fire in the woods. My husbands likes the more modern way of camping. Camping with the RV. We always find our way in the middle. : )


  4. interesting wonder how it tastes – like orange cake? you know sometimes I wish I could just bake food to make my house smell (yummy, homely). this must have smelled good , looks okay and nice for Halloween (:


  5. Very creative! The pictures are excellent. I wanna try it!

    1) For making at home, did you put ’em in a cast-iron skillet and then put the skillet in your oven?

    2) What heat and how long? (approximately) The usual 350 for 20 minutes?

    3) Do you have suggestions for how to eat them?


    1. At home, they went in an oiled skillet at 375 for over 30 minutes. I started checking them about 15 minutes in, but the oranges act as a great heat shield, so they took a while. I served them in ice-cream bowls with spoons after letting them cool a while. I made them with an instant batter that didn’t have eggs, so even if they had not cooked all the way, they still would have been safe.


  6. Thanks for the great idea! These look like so much fun to make while camping! My boyfriend (from his boyscout days) knows how to make cherry cobbler in a cast iron Dutch oven buried in the coals, and I’ve made homemade “camping” doughnuts by fying punched-out refrigerated biscuits in oil in an iron skillet and then dusting them with cinnamon and sugar, but I’ve never attempted anything like cake!

    If I wrap these in foil and lay them in the coals, how long do I need to leave them in there? Do I need to do anything to them (like turn them) while cooking?


    1. Those doughnuts sound good. As for the campfire, it depends on the coals. You definitely want the coals that are hot, and it probably won’t hurt to turn them a few times with some tongs. As for time… guessing is cook’s art. Say 30 minutes, the oranges serve as a great insulator.


  7. These sound delicious and look amazing! I’m sure they’re delicious… and to imagine you did it with instant muffin mix makes it all that more accessible. =) I’m going to try this out ASAP!


    1. blueberry. but it didn’t really matter, it was the one at the Publix that made 6 muffins and didn’t need anything but water added.


  8. Interesting recipe, I never thought of this. The only problem is: I don’t like oranges, but my family does, maybe I’ll ask my mom if we can make it one day.


  9. […] https://kathyrandall.wordpress.com/2010/10/14/cakeinanorange/ Tror nok ungene har sans for dette. Det er liksom det søte alternativet til pinnebrød. Skal prøve dette så snart babyen er så stor at vi kan mer ut på tur. This was written by zasami. Posted on torsdag, oktober 14, 2010, at 23:59. Filed under Ukategorisert. Bookmark the permalink. Follow comments here with the RSS feed. Post a comment or leave a trackback. […]


  10. This is probably one of the coolest recipes I’ve seen in a long time 🙂 I so want to try this. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this. I wonder if you can use lemons 🙂


  11. This is an excellent idea! I love it and would like to try, jsut imagine presenting it to your guests they feedback you will get. Its like those cantaloupe soup in Honk Kong where they place the soup in real cantaloupes also the pineapple and vanila ice cream on tropical islands where they serve it in real pineapple.
    Thanks for posting this one!


  12. That’s awesome! I’m definitely going to try this.

    Now here’s a fun idea though: What about Lemon Bar Lemons? Thinking maybe do the same with the lemons, make up the whole lemon bar recipe, and place the lemons in a cupcake pan so they’ll stay standing up. That would be a challenge not to burn the lemons to all heck but maybe worth a try.


  13. […] This week John and I went camping. I had a great menu planned, but because we fought (and lost) against the pesky buzzing hypodermic needles, our desserts remained uncooked. One of the desserts I wanted, I yearned, to cook was cake-in-an-orange. This delicacy hearkens back to my scouting days of yore, and it is one of the legendary feats of campfire culinary prowess that girls from my troop will still talk about. Anyway, we didn't make them. Ther … Read More […]


  14. Kathy – Great memories! I made these as a Girl Guide years ago. We used white cake mix, which made a nice light orange flavoured cake. Of course, despite best efforts, some tipped over or burned in the coals – if we remembered we made a couple of spares.

    Also enjoyed reading your blog. Good luck with your studies!



  15. OMG! I just can’t believe it! It’s an amazing idea! It just would have never ever crossed my mind and I’ve never ever heard of it before!
    Not to mention that it just looks so YUMMY (I’m an orange fan!)


    1. I haven’t tried it with any other fruits yet, but I would love to know what kind of results you have if you try them!


  16. What an excellent idea. I am craving to eat an orange flavored cake in real orange cup. Wow!! i just wander if it will work if I put this in electric oven with aluminum foil. Will try and let you know. thanks anyway!!!


  17. I was looking for a great food project last night, and I’m so glad I found your post. I filled my hollowed oranges with a molten lava cake and the results were very cool. Thanks for sharing! If you want to check out pics of my molten lava oranges they are up on my blog!

    Lelia Rebecca


  18. […] This week John and I went camping. I had a great menu planned, but because we fought (and lost) against the pesky buzzing hypodermic needles, our desserts remained uncooked. One of the desserts I wanted, I yearned, to cook was cake-in-an-orange. This delicacy hearkens back to my scouting days of yore, and it is one of the legendary feats of campfire culinary prowess that girls from my troop will still talk about. Anyway, we didn't make them. Ther … Read More […]


  19. ooooh, imagine a dark chocolate cake mix inside… chocolate and orange is one of my fave combinations. *drool… we go camping all the time, can’t wait to try this!!
    ps. @ed ju… it definitely wouldnt work with watermelon


  20. Sounds really yummi! I will try that… DELICIOUS!
    For people living in places where Celsius is the preferred measure of temperature I can inform you that 375 F is app. 190 C.
    Thanks for the orange inspiration 🙂


  21. Oh wow. I’ve seen all kinds of things with cakes baked in them but I never would have thought of Oranges. I love how cute they look!

    I wonder if Lemon cake or maybe Lemon poppy seed muffin mix would work with this?


  22. We made these on a week long canoe trip in northern Ontario once. They were delicious, what a treat! It’s great to have your handy how-to instructions, thanks for reminding me of them 🙂


  23. This looks pretty good. How does it taste? Like cake with a hint of orange? This is going to be a good treat for this Halloween. It’s not too hard to do so may be the young kids can help out making them and enjoying them.


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